
Mummy, Mummy, When Will I Be Sworn in as Sri Lankan President? - Sajith Premadasa

-By A Staff Writer

(Lanka-e-News -31.May.2024, 9.30 PM)  An intriguing tale from United National Party (UNP) circles about Sajith Premadasa dates back to May 1993. His father, President Ranasinghe Premadasa, had just been assassinated in a brutal suicide bomb explosion during the UNP’s May Day rally. At the time, the 25-year-old Premadasa was pursuing a Master’s Degree at the University of Maryland. Upon receiving the tragic news, he immediately flew back to Colombo for his father’s funeral. In a moment of naivety and grief, he asked senior UNP members when his mother, Hema Premadasa, would be sworn in as President.

The Premadasa family was at the pinnacle of its power during the final days of Ranasinghe Premadasa’s presidency. Their influence had reached remarkable heights, leading to growing unpopularity among urban circles who were never particularly fond of the common-man President who had disrupted the blue-blooded political norms of Sri Lanka. It was understandable that Sajith found it difficult to grasp that his family’s political power would diminish following his father’s death.

Sajith Premadasa, often seen as trying to emulate his father, has faced numerous controversies. Coming from a humble background and with an incomplete degree from the London School of Economics, he gained admission with questionable credentials. Additionally, he has been accused of mishandling Housing Ministry funds, with rumors suggesting these funds ended up in Australia.

Exposing Sajith's ignorance in front of the US Ambassador...

During a meeting with the US Ambassador in Colombo, Sajith requested $3 billion to resolve the country’s economic crisis. The Ambassador, unimpressed by his economic acumen, reminded him that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was already assisting Sri Lanka, and it wasn’t the responsibility of a single country to bail out the nation. Veteran politicians Rauff Hakeem and Patali Champika Ranawaka reportedly laughed at Sajith’s request.

Sajith has been compared to Indian spiritual leader Sai Baba, using donations of buses and school equipment for political PR campaigns. Despite having supporters who benefited from his father’s regime, he failed to debate with the National People’s Power (NPP) leader, preferring to delegate the task to his economic committee.

Critics highlight that Sajith has never apologized for his father’s controversial actions, including supplying weapons to the LTTE and ordering police officers to surrender to the terrorist group. Rumors also suggest that his father engaged in inappropriate activities with personal attendants inside the presidential residence.

Sajith has not disclosed his financial income, leading to speculation about mysterious donations used for his personal and political activities. Allegations also link him to treasure hunts and illegal earnings.

Sajith being ridiculed in front of the Indian High Commissioner..

Recently, the Indian High Commissioner invited Sajith for dinner and questioned his chances in the upcoming presidential election, given his low approval ratings. Sajith presented a report predicting a higher vote share, but the High Commissioner pointed out that the UNCHR, cited in the report, does not conduct election surveys. It was later revealed that an SJB MP and an insider working for the UN had fabricated the survey.

As Sajith Premadasa navigates the complex political landscape, the legacy of his family and the controversies surrounding him continue to shape his path.

-By A Staff Writer

by     (2024-05-31 16:15:05)

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