
Sajith Premadasa Sets Conditions for Public Debate with Anura Dissanayake..!

-By A Special Correspondent

(Lanka-e-News -29.April.2024, 6.45 PM) In the realm of political discourse in Sri Lanka, the anticipation of a public debate between Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa and NPP Leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake has been brewing. However, recent developments have added layers of complexity to this eagerly awaited event.

The National People’s Power (NPP) has raised concerns regarding what they perceive as attempts to divert attention from the original intent of the debate. Dr. Nalinda Jayatissa, an NPP National Executive Member, highlighted that the genesis of this debate traces back to a statement made by Anura Kumara Dissanayake in a televised program in 2023. Dissanayake expressed his readiness to engage in a debate with Sajith Premadasa concerning the developmental trajectory of the nation.

However, Premadasa initially declined the challenge for reasons undisclosed. Subsequently, certain members of the Samagi Jana Balavegaya (SJB) proposed an alternative debate focusing on economic policies, involving the Economic Council of the NPP. This move was met with criticism from SJB MP Nalin Bandara, who accused the NPP of evading the debate and forgetting the initial proposal set forth by Dissanayake.

In response, Lakshman Fonseka, the right-hand man of Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa, delineated conditions for the public debate. These conditions serve as parameters to ensure the discussion remains focused on substantive issues pertinent to the nation's development. Among the stipulations set forth are prohibitions on questioning Premadasa's educational qualifications from the London School of Economics, inquiries into his sister's alleged involvement in counterfeit money printing, and discussions regarding corruption within the Housing Authority.

Additionally, questions regarding personal matters such as Premadasa's spouse's salon and legal issues, alleged involvement in treasure hunting, and familial relations with Pastor Jerome of the Born Again Church are deemed off-limits. Moreover, inquiries into political maneuvers, including potential alliances with President Ranil for upcoming elections, are excluded from the debate agenda.

Furthermore, matters concerning Sajith Premadasa's business investments in Australia, his travel history, and the funding mechanisms behind projects like Sakwala are deemed irrelevant to the debate's core objectives.

The delineation of these conditions underscores the need for a focused and substantive discussion on the developmental trajectory of Sri Lanka. While personal matters may pique public interest, the essence of this debate lies in illuminating the paths forward for the nation's progress.

As the prospect of a public debate between Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa and NPP Leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake gains momentum, a set of conditions has been outlined to ensure the discourse remains focused on substantive issues vital to the nation's progress.

1-Educational Qualifications: No inquiries are permitted regarding Sajith Premadasa's educational background, particularly his studies at the London School of Economics (LSE).

2-Family Matters: Questions concerning Premadasa's sister's alleged involvement in counterfeit money printing are deemed irrelevant to the discussion.

3-Corruption Allegations: The debate will not entertain inquiries regarding corruption within the Housing Authority.

4-Personal Associations: Queries about individuals such as Anjela Senevirathna are considered outside the scope of the debate.

5-Internal Party Affairs: Discussion regarding the suspension of SJB Party Chairman, Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka, from the party is not pertinent to the debate agenda.

6-Personal Ventures: Premadasa's spouse's business endeavors, including Jalani's Jaal saloon and associated legal issues with landlords, are excluded from debate topics.

7-Allegations of Illegal Activities: Inquiries into Premadasa's alleged involvement with treasure hunting are not allowed.

8-Political Alliances: Questions regarding the number of SJB MPs intending to join the UNP are considered unrelated to the debate's central themes.

9-Future Political Plans: The possibility of the SJB signing a political pact with President Ranil for upcoming elections is not up for discussion.

10-Personal Relationships: Premadasa's personal affiliations, including his relationship with Pastor Jerome of the Born Again Church, are deemed irrelevant.

11-Business Ventures: Inquiries into Premadasa's alleged secret business investments in Australia are outside the scope of the debate.

12-Travel History: Questions regarding Premadasa's travel history, particularly regarding invitations from India, are not deemed relevant to the debate.

13-Project Funding: Inquiries into the funding mechanisms behind projects such as Sakwala are excluded from debate topics.

14-Party Decisions and Allegations: Discussion surrounding internal party matters and allegations concerning individuals such as Channa Jayasumana are not within the purview of the debate.

These outlined conditions aim to ensure that the debate remains focused on substantive issues concerning the developmental trajectory of Sri Lanka. By delineating these parameters, both parties seek to foster a constructive dialogue that prioritizes the nation's welfare above personal or political agendas.              

As the anticipation for this debate mounts, it remains imperative for both sides to engage in a constructive dialogue that transcends personal agendas and prioritizes the collective welfare of the Sri Lankan populace. Only through such discourse can meaningful solutions be forged, paving the way for a brighter future for all citizens.


SJB Leader Sajith Premadasa's decision to set conditions for the public debate with NPP Leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake has indeed raised eyebrows among the Sri Lankan public, sparking speculation about his intentions and motivations. Many observers have interpreted Premadasa's actions as an attempt to avoid addressing critical questions that may challenge his credibility or raise uncomfortable truths. Here are a few key reasons why his decision has garnered such attention:

1. Avoiding Accountability: Setting conditions for the debate may be perceived as an attempt by Premadasa to avoid being held accountable for his past actions or decisions. By excluding certain topics from discussion, he could be seen as trying to sidestep difficult questions that could potentially undermine his political standing or reputation.

2. Evading Scrutiny: Premadasa's decision to limit the scope of the debate could also be viewed as a strategy to evade scrutiny and deflect attention away from areas where he may be vulnerable. By focusing the discussion on specific issues of his choosing, he may hope to control the narrative and avoid being put on the spot regarding sensitive or controversial topics.

3. Protecting Image: Another interpretation is that Premadasa is seeking to protect his public image and reputation by avoiding questions that could tarnish his perceived integrity or character. By preemptively excluding certain topics, he may be trying to present himself in the best possible light and minimize the risk of damaging revelations during the debate.

4. Political Maneuvering: Some observers may see Premadasa's conditions as a form of political maneuvering aimed at gaining a strategic advantage over his opponent. By setting the terms of the debate in advance, he may be trying to limit Dissanayake's ability to challenge him effectively or catch him off guard with unexpected questions.

Overall, SJB Leader Sajith Premadasa's decision to set conditions for the public debate with NPP Leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake has sparked debate and speculation about his intentions and motivations. While some may view it as a prudent move to ensure a focused and productive discussion, others may see it as an attempt to avoid confronting uncomfortable truths or difficult questions. As the debate unfolds, all eyes will be on Premadasa to see how he navigates the challenges and opportunities presented by this high-stakes political showdown.

-By A Special Correspondent

by     (2024-04-29 13:34:50)

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