
Sri Lankan President Prevents Foreign Minister from Summoning Indian High Commissioner Over Narendra Modi's Katchatheevu Remarks..!

-By A Special Correspondent

(Lanka-e-News -17.May.2024, 11.40 PM) In a recent turn of events, Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe intervened to prevent Foreign Minister Ali Sabry from summoning the Indian High Commissioner. The issue at hand was a public address by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi concerning Katchatheevu Island, which has stirred significant controversy

Presidential Inaction..

Foreign Minister Ali Sabry initially planned to summon the Indian High Commissioner to express Sri Lanka's protest against Modi’s comments. However, this course of action was halted when Foreign Secretary Aruni Wijewardane informed President Wickremesinghe about the plan. President Wickremesinghe intervened, instructing that the matter be handled through the Presidential Secretariat, effectively preventing the Foreign Minister from summoning the High Commissioner.                                                                          

Criticism and Concerns..

President Wickremesinghe’s decision to avoid direct confrontation with India has drawn significant criticism. By failing to object to Modi's provocative remarks, critics argue that Wickremesinghe has shown a lack of leadership and has undermined Sri Lankan sovereignty. This inaction is seen by many as a betrayal of national interests and a sign of weak governance.Increased Pressure from IndiaThe lack of a strong response from Sri Lanka may embolden India to exert more pressure on its smaller neighbor. Modi's comments, coupled with statements from the Indian Foreign Secretary about potentially retrieving Katchatheevu in the future, suggest a more aggressive stance from India. This could lead to increased diplomatic and political pressure on Sri Lanka, further complicating an already delicate relationship.  

Controversial Speech by Narendra Modi..

It was reported that Foreign Minister Ali Sabry planned to summon the Indian High Commissioner to protest against Prime Minister Modi's remarks on Katchatheevu Island. The island, handed over to Sri Lanka by India during the tenure of the Indian National Congress in 1974, has been a sensitive topic in Indo-Sri Lankan relations. Modi's statement, perceived as a political maneuver, suggested that the ceding of Katchatheevu was a mistake.                                              

Presidential Intervention..

The situation escalated when Foreign Secretary Aruni Wijewardane tipped off President Wickremesinghe about the planned summoning. President Wickremesinghe, asserting his authority, instructed that the matter be handled through the Presidential Secretariat instead. This move effectively prevented the Foreign Minister from summoning the Indian High Commissioner.                                                                      

Lack of Resolution..

Despite President Wickremesinghe's intervention, there was no significant follow-up on the issue. Eventually, Foreign Minister Sabry issued a statement asserting that the issue of Katchatheevu had been settled in 1974, downplaying the controversy stirred by Modi's comments.                        

Political Implications and Criticisms..

Prime Minister Modi's use of Katchatheevu Island in his political campaign has been criticized as a cheap stunt. Further complicating matters, the Indian Foreign Secretary indicated that a future Indian government might seek to retrieve Katchatheevu from Sri Lanka. This position raises concerns about India's commitment to international bilateral agreements and casts doubt on its reliability as a diplomatic partner.                                                                                  

Increased Pressure from India..

The lack of a strong response from Sri Lanka may embolden India to exert more pressure on its smaller neighbor. Modi's comments, coupled with statements from the Indian Foreign Secretary about potentially retrieving Katchatheevu in the future, suggest a more aggressive stance from India. This could lead to increased diplomatic and political pressure on Sri Lanka, further complicating an already delicate relationship.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe's decision to ignore Prime Minister Narendra Modi's remarks on Katchatheevu Island has sparked widespread criticism and concerns about his leadership. By failing to object to Modi's speech, Wickremesinghe has not only shown a lack of assertiveness but has also potentially paved the way for increased pressure from India. This incident highlights the need for strong and decisive leadership to navigate the complex dynamics of Indo-Sri Lankan relations and protect national sovereignty. As the situation unfolds, it remains to be seen how Sri Lanka will address these challenges and assert its position on the international stage.

-By A Special Correspondent

by     (2024-05-17 21:07:42)

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